Looking for the easiest and quickest route to start a garden when renting in small spaces ?

INTRODUCING... The Simple Courtyard Aquaponics Course

For Just $197

Your simple BLUEPRINT to successful growing.

Are you frustrated and wanting to grow your own food, but you rent? Or only have cement or pavers available?

Learn how to get the maximum amount of veggies growing while you are renting, or live with small spaces or limitations

You would love to grow your own food BUT you've....

  • You live with only a cement or paved courtyard and you don't know how to get veggies growing without damaging the area?

  • Tried gardening but everything seems to die or not grow and you can't work out what you're doing wrong

  • Been trying to grow fruit or vegetables in containers, but getting a small yield.

  • You have poor soil and nothing but weeds seems to grow.

  • ​You only have a small space and think that you won’t get many veggies, so what's the point?

  • ​Been renting and can't grow food in the soil.

  • Looking to grow healthy food, but don't know how.

  • The space limitations have meant you can only grow a small herb garden.

So you just give up and end up back at the grocery store where there is packaging WASTE and CHEMICALS

Keep reading because our Simple Courtyard Aquaponics Course will change your life

I get it, this used to be me!

I knew that there was a sustainable way of being able to grow healthy, pesticide free food easily, and in any space.

Honestly, after years of renting and the restrictions, it was so stressful that I thought about giving up this dream, this RIGHT to healthy food.

The Solution I found, Was Aquaponics

Hi, I'm Candy.... My journey started 15 years ago...

When I began to get sick from all the pesticides from the 'food' I was buying.  I knew I needed to find a healthy alternative which would be easy and accessible.   I was also driven by my dream of becoming self-sufficient and reducing my carbon footprint.  

BUT I believed the only way to do this was to live on acreage or own my own large home.  Both of these options were out of the question, so I had to find another way.  We had to find a solution that would work in any small space, even if renting.

This is where I discovered the wonders of aquaponics! 

I could see how it was the perfect solution and could not only change my life, but the lives of others and the planet too. 

But the first time I tried it, it totally tanked and I almost gave up ~ I just didn't know, what I didn't know, which caused everything to die.

This is when I decided to delve deeper. 

So I went to Tafe and Uni to learn everything I could about aquatic husbandry.  I knew that if I could look after the fish, then everything else would look after itself. 

By creating a sustainable ecosystem in this way, everything started to work.  

I became passionate about sharing this new possibility.  I had to help others achieve their right to sustainable, healthy food, regardless of space. Regardless of renting and landlords. I had to make it simple and understandable even for beginners. 

This is what has led me to create - Simple Courtyard Aquaponics. 

The first course of it’s kind that will show you how to easily and quickly have your system up and running even with no DIY experience.

I will take you by the hand and help you learn to build a thriving system in as little as 1 afternoon.

What IS aquaponics?

Aquaponics is a man-made (or woman made) ecosystem in a smaller space. By replicating nature we are producing more healthy food, faster and sustainably.

aquaponics vegetable garden

Veggies grow 4 Times FASTER in aquaponics than soil gardening

In this system we have fish that provide constant fertiliser for the veggies, and the veggies filter the water for the fish.

growing vegetable garden

You use 10 Times LESS water in aquaponics than soil gardening

All without soil, in a small space. We create a living ecosystem, and grow lots of food.

growing strawberries with aquaponics

You grow MORE veggies , in less space in aquaponics

This meant it was easy to start a herb garden on cement

Creating a Natural Ecosystem in a Soil-less Garden by Using Pet Fish to Grow Your Veggies

home aquaponics system

Are you ready have HEALTHY food right outside?

INTRODUCING... The Simple Courtyard Aquaponics Course .

No More Guesswork. No more Piecing Things Together.

Just Simple, Clear Instructions.

Getting you growing veggies while renting, easily
The easiest and quickest route to organic produce in small spaces.

Your simple online BLUEPRINT to successful growing.

Step-by-Step online instructions on what you need to buy, and how to build your own courtyard size aquaponics system

Guidance on choosing the right type of pet fish and how many fish for your courtyard aquaponics system

Everything you need to know to care for your courtyard aquaponics system, to be successful, without guessing

Your Courtyard Aquaponics System Could Grow as Much as This

aquaponics vegetable garden

Some of the Veggies You Can Grow In Aquaponics

Growing REAL Food For Your Family

Like broccoli, zucchini, corn, pumpkin, capsicum or just start out growing your own herbs in a courtyard

Here's What You Get....

online aquaponics course

Learn to build and care for YOUR Courtyard Aquaponics System

  • What you need

  • How to Build

  • Creating the Ecosystem

  • The Fish Part

  • The Veggie Part

  • Caring for your Aquaponics System

  • Learn how to grow herbs in small spaces

  • Beautiful fish to look at and relax with

** The perspex 'fish window' is not included in the original course. This is available in the next step **

This means more healthy food for your and your family, in any space, any time.

Simple Easy Steps, to Grow Real Food

  • Giving you back the taste of real, healthy food in your space. The smell of the herbs as you brush past them.

  • Getting the maximum amount of veggies growing in your small space

  • Using less water to grow healthy, luscious veggies that you didn't think was possible.

  • Knowing what is on, or not on your food.

  • Having the convenience of walking out into your courtyard, and getting food for dinner.

  • Saving money by growing what you love to eat, when you didn't think you'd be able to.

  • Not having to worry about weeding your veggie patch, or if you have watered it enough to grow your veggies or have you fertilised recently

Our Online Courtyard Aquaponics Course Completely Breaks Down Knowledge Into Simple to Follow Steps

Gardening while renting, is now made easy for you.

Start your own herb garden easily.

To help you build a successful Courtyard Aquaponics System.... I added


#1. Simple Tools to Build Aquaponics System Section

When we are learning something new, that might also include needing to understand how to use a new tool. Just like driving a car, we had to learn how to check the water and oil, add petrol. It's easy when you know, but intimidating when you first see it.

For those who have never used any tools before, I show you the simple tools to build your aquaponics system and how they work.

#2. Water Quality & Disease Basics

Just like when you have a yearly check-up with your doctor and they want blood tests to see what is happening with you ~ this is their basic guide to your physical health.

Looking at the health of the water within an aquaponics system, (through the water quality) is a similar thing. You can maintain and often prevent issues by understanding where it is at.

#3. Access to our Exclusive Online Support Group for Help & Support

You get access to our exclusive support group dedicated to helping you succeed in your aquaponics journey! I know that embarking on this sustainable gardening adventure can raise questions and uncertainties along the way. That's why I've created this community – a place where you can seek consistent support and find answers to all your aquaponics questions.


While our online aquaponics course equips you with the knowledge and tools you need for success, I know that real-time guidance and support are needed. It takes time to understand how aquaponics ecosystems behave, and having support during these times helps to reduce your stress.

Our Facebook group serves as a haven:

  • for sharing experiences

  • exchanging ideas

  • and seeking advice from fellow aquaponics enthusiasts, as well as tips and ideas.


Whether you're troubleshooting an issue, seeking feedback on your setup, or simply looking for inspiration, our community is here to offer guidance and encouragement every step of the way.

Together, we'll ensure that your aquaponics system thrives and flourishes, providing you with bountiful harvests and a sustainable gardening experience like no other.

If you want healthy, chemical free food for you and your family, learn aquaponics with our online course.

** This Courtyard Aquaponics Course Includes Instructions for a Handyman if you Want Someone to Cut Everything For You, Whilst You Put it Together and Care for It. **

Keeping it Simple, and Each System I Use These 3 Tools~ and

You Can Too

Hand Drill

Hand Hacksaw

Hand Jigsaw (Like an Iron)

This Courtyard Aquaponics Course Shows You the Steps on How To Start a Herb Garden now

Gardening in small spaces is so much easier, and cheaper now with your Simple Courtyard Aquaponics system

You can grow all these veggies in your courtyard aquaponics system

Making herb gardening easy, and inspiring you to grow more food, easily at home.

We seem to forget that as adults, we still need to learn things. As adults, we are expected to do something once and be good at it.

What happens?

We tend to fail and give up.

I've got you covered here, detailed instructions (that you can get someone else to build), and everything you need to know to be successful in growing your own food with aquaponics.

Gardening in small spaces is so much easier, and cheaper now with your Simple Courtyard Aquaponics system.

A easy way to start your herb garden, and explore the world of opportunity.

You can even 'dress up' your system to be more presentable.

What if you can learn to build and maintain your own SUCCESSFUL and HEALTHY Courtyard Aquaponics System, without failure?

WITHOUT..... Wasted money, pesticides, uncertainty??

I've got you covered in this course. Step by step, everything you need.

This is the BEST solution, for small spaces....

What's Included

Your Blueprint to Build

Your Blueprint to Create the Ecosystem

Your Blueprint to Keeping it Running

Course Completion Certificate

Unlimited access. Watch as many times as

you like

Your Peace of mind knowing your veggies are HEALTHY (Priceless)

Valued at: ($750)


Group Community (Priceless)

Simple Tools Course (Value $97)

Water Quality & Disease Basics Course (Value $197)

(Total Value $1,044)

Total Value = $1,044

Regular Price = $1,044

Today’s Price = $197

All prices in USD

There will not be another opportunity to join this program again until March 2022 and it will be DOUBLE the price

Here's What You Get....



Getting your started right

Clean, clear instructions on what you need to be able to knock this aquaponics system together within a few hours. Where to put it in your yard and how to lay it out to make it successful.


• Knowing the parts you will need

• Knowing the tools you will need

• Knowing where to build it

• Knowing the layout, in how to build it



Building for a successful harvest

Everything you need to know to build your Courtyard Aquaponics System. From measuring, cutting, washing and plumbing right through to setting it up and watching it run.


• How to measure & Cut everything

• How to clean second hand parts

• How to put it together

• Knowing what water pump you need

• Being at the stage of having your aquaponics system running



Ensuring success

Within this module, you learn how to make this aquaponics system into an ecosystem. This is where you learn about the nitrification cycle, how to colonise with bacteria and water quality to ensure a healthy aquaponics system


• Understanding the different types of filtration, and what is needed

• Learn how to colonise with bacteria

• Understand your water quality

• Understand pH and what affects it



Choosing well

Within this module you will learn all about the types of fish and how many fish you can use within this Courtyard Aquaponics System.

As well as how to add them safely into your aquaponics system to ensure their best health.


• Guppy size fish in aquaponics

• Goldfish within aquaponics

• Adding fish safely to your system

• Healthy fish behaviour



Growing what you love

Within this module you will learn what veggies you can have within your Courtyard Aquaponics System.

As well as how to add seedlings or seeds into your aquaponics system, and which is the best way to start.

We also cover the micronutrients and how to ensure your system has them as naturally as possible.


• What veggies you can add

• How to add seedlings

• How to work with seeds

• Natural micronutrients



Making it work

Within this module you learn all about the maintenance and upkeep of your aquaponics system.

Such as, feeding your fish, how to clean your aquaponics system. The essential water quality testing to ensure a healthy ecosystem, and the checks that you need to do to ensure it is running successfully.


• What to feed your Fish

• How to clean your system

• Water quality testing

• System checks

Bonus Herb Gardening Module

Learn the different types of herbs you can grow in your aquaponics system, and understand their needs. Not all herbs are created equal, so learning how the grow, how much space they need, and what season they grow in will help to ensure your start a herb garden easily,

and affordably.

Learn about these herbs, and how you can grow them easily

  • Basil

  • Coriander / Cilantro

  • Parsley

  • Dill

  • Chives

  • Rosemary

  • Turmeric

  • Ginger

  • Oregano

  • Mint

  • An many more

What Others Have Said ... 

"I thought I was too old to garden.

Candy introduced me to a new way of gardening where I didn't have to bend, it was easy to care for and provided hours of entertainment watching the fish.

Even in my golden years, I could grow healthy food and the other residents enjoyed being able to watch the fish".    Marg R

"Who knew that even renting in this tiny unit that my partner and I could grow our own food.

Candy broke down into simple steps and taught us how to build and look after a small aquaponics system.

We had heard of aquaponics in our permaculture course, and as we only saw large aquaponics setups we didn't think it was possible.

Now, thanks to Candy making it easy, we have healthy vegetables growing in the tiny, cement area".    Rachel L

“I hate the smell of fish and was worried that this is what our food would taste like. After tasting the veg from Candy’s system we gave it a go.

There is such a difference in taste between the food grown in our little aquaponics system and the veg at the store.

It tastes real again. Like my grandma veg from the garden. You just don’t realise the taste difference with food now.

We are going bigger and never going back to the store veg”. Alice L

Gardening in any space, any time

Getting the most out of the space you have to grow healthy food can feel like an art. And you're right. It is. In this step by step guide, you get the blueprint to help you learn how you can do that. Imagine having the healthy food you want, right out back. No need to pack up the kids to go shopping, or drive somewhere.

What if you could learn how to grow veggies 4 times faster in your courtyard than any soil garden or container garden?

You get the blueprint to learn how you can do that.

Being able to garden even when time poor

Soil gardening is often so time consuming, if you have the space. Needing to constantly turn the compost to make the soil, dig it in. Pull the weeds. Add the fertiliser and remember to water it enough and regularly.

But what if you didn't have to do all that, and still could have a healthy, flourishing food garden?

Your Simple Courtyard Aquaponics system takes care of the watering and fertilising for you. No soil, no dirty hands, but lot of heathy, organic veggies in your small space.

Mental health relief

We've all heard that gardening is great to help you relax. It's now a common first 'prescription' from doctors for the treatment of stress, anxiety and depression. It helps you to be present, and calm your mind.

Your Simple Courtyard Aquaponics system takes this a step further helping you to relax. The gentle sound of the water flowing helps to soothe your soul and find your inner balance again.

The sense of achievement and confidence you get from watching your seeds germinate, the seedlings sprout and seeing the final vegetable in front of you, ready to harvest. You did that! You grew that!

This course is your solution to not just have 'healthy veggies', but veggies free of pesticides, and possible in small spaces. It is your solution.  

Imagine walking out into your courtyard and smelling the abundant fresh herbs by your door that you need for dinner.

Healthy, delicious, veggies and herbs at your finger tips.

Grown 4 times faster than the soil gardening, and growing more in small spaces. That means growing more veggies with aquaponics, than any soil garden, and much more than containers.

The key difference, in the soil the veggies are reliant on the nutrients in the soil, the fertiliser you have to remember to add. In your Courtyard Aquaponics system, the veggies have CONSTANT water and nutrients. They are in heaven, as are you with their taste.

In this online, self paced course I will take you by the hand and show you exactly what to do in simple, easy steps to create the harvest of your dreams.

You will learn how to create a sustainable, successful aquaponics system that you can built in as little as one afternoon.

The course covers all you need to know to build and maintain a thriving system, with the result of an abundance of healthy veggies, even if:

You are an absolute beginner to gardening. Feel you are a 'plant killer' or you have never built a thing in your life.

My dream, is to empower you to have healthy food, easily in any space.

In this online, self paced course I will take you by the hand and show you exactly what to do in simple, easy steps to create the harvest of your dreams. You will learn how to create a sustainable, successful aquaponics system that you can built in as little as one afternoon.

The course covers all you need to know to build and maintain a thriving system, with the result of an abundance of healthy veggies, even if:

You are an absolute beginner to gardening. Feel you are a 'plant killer' or you have never built a thing in your life.

My dream, is to empower you to have healthy food, easily in any space.

Everyone has the right to healthy, pesticide free food ~ no matter if you have small spaces, or are renting. You've Got this!

Your Info
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Aqua Tracker

Track you water quality results with Aqua Tracker for aquaponics ecosystem status checks and problem solving needs for $17

Order Summary
Please select at least one item to proceed!

By making payment above, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions.

The Program Runs For 90 Days

We Start

on the 30th of November 2021

There will be a kick off call to welcome you in

on the 30th November - 10 am NZT / 29th Nov - 4pm EST 

The first live training & Q&A Session

will be on Tue 7th December - 10am NZT / Mon 6th December - 4pm EST 

All trainings will be at the same time.

We will extend the program by 2 weeks to allow for a break during Christmas/New Year

The Program will finish on the 11th of March

All sessions will be recorded and the recording will be available in the membership area within 24 hrs of the call ending

More client love ...

 In May 2021, I came across Colleen and instantly knew that she was doing things that I didn’t know how to do.

Her social media presence was incredible, her marketing was spot on and she was mastering ClickFunnels and other platforms that I too wanted to learn how to master.

If you want to have growth, you need to seek out those people who are doing and achieving what you want to achieve.

There is no point going it alone. Why go through pain and take twice as long to get something done when you can have someone show you the way.🥰💪

Anyway, I entered Colleen’s world and although I wanted to book onto her mastermind I couldn’t afford it.

My business was not yet in a space to justify spending that much money on coaching. But I knew I needed it.

So I booked a strategy session in with her. That one strategy session helped me fix problems with my funnel of a product I was about to launch but it did more than that...

It confirmed to me that I needed her help and I needed to step up and make it happen.

I continued to have strategy sessions with Colleen but I knew I needed more and so after attending a mini-workshop, I decided I needed to join her Mastermind. (This was just 3 weeks ago, by the way!)

Again, I wasn’t sure my business was ready, but every time I back myself, the universe responds with sending me more clients.

So I share this with you now because, every time I invest in myself, every time I say universe I’m backing myself with getting the support and training I need, the universe responds with an acceleration and growth of both myself personally and my business.🥰

I’m so happy I took the leap of faith and booked with Colleen.


- Hayley - South Australia

Hayley, South Australia

“I tried building aquaponics system from YouTube. It lasted 6 months and everything died.

Candy’s right, you don’t know what you don’t know. So many opinions, and how do you know if they are right?

Candy teaches easy ways to understand.

Not just telling you to do something, but why.

This made the difference as now I can pre-empt issues. I know why I need things”. Lochlan J

“I couldn’t get anything to grow in the soil.

Everything died. Learning about aquaponics from Candy made it so much easier, and I no longer consider myself a black thumb.

I am growing food. Me.

My parents couldn’t believe it."

Rosy T


“We’ve been wanting to start aquaponics for years but didn’t have the money to waste if we got it wrong.

Having built Candy’s little courtyard, we now have the confidence that we can add onto this one and go bigger.

It seems so complicated and I’m glad we started small and now the whole family has the confidence we can do this”.

George R

“I love how passionate and funny Candy is. It's clear she knows what she's talking about with aquaponics. She taught our kids about science and how to grow food easily with small aquaponics. It looked so complicated to me, but when Candy simplified it, it made perfect sense.

As a family who values recycling, sustainability, and healthy food, learning about how aquaponics works and how to build the set-up ourselves was empowering.

We can't thank Candy enough for teaching us, getting our kids involved and teaching them too.

Our 9-year-old is able to confidently discuss aquatic ecosystems and water quality for aquaponics with her teachers at school and demonstrate understanding of the interactions between plants, fish and bacteria.

With her friendly smile, obvious passion, and simple explanations we built an aquaponics system with recycled materials and had a lot of fun. She made growing food fun again”.   

Jess R

Hi, I'm Candy.... My journey started 15 years ago...

When I began to get sick from all the pesticides from the 'food' I was buying.  I knew I needed to find a healthy alternative which would be easy and accessible.   I was also driven by my dream of becoming self-sufficient and reducing my carbon footprint.  

BUT I believed the only way to do this was to live on acreage or own my own large home.  Both of these options were out of the question, so I had to find another way.  We had to find a solution that would work in any small space, even if renting.

This is where I discovered the wonders of aquaponics! 

I could see how it was the perfect solution and could not only change my life, but the lives of others and the planet too. 

But the first time I tried it, it totally tanked and I almost gave up ~ I just didn't know, what I didn't know, which caused everything to die.

This is when I decided to delve deeper. 

So I went to Tafe and Uni to learn everything I could about aquatic husbandry.  I knew that if I could look after the fish, then everything else would look after itself. 

By creating a sustainable ecosystem in this way, everything started to work.  

I became passionate about sharing this new possibility.  I had to help others achieve their right to sustainable, healthy food, regardless of space. Regardless of renting and landlords. I had to make it simple and understandable even for beginners. 

This is what has led me to create - Simple Courtyard Aquaponics. 

The first course of it’s kind that will show you how to easily and quickly have your system up and running even with no DIY experience.

I will take you by the hand and help you learn to build a thriving system in as little as 1 afternoon.

Courtyard aquaponics is the BEST solution, for small spaces.... to get the most amount of HEALTHY veggies possible

What's Included

Your Blueprint to Build

Your Blueprint to Create the Ecosystem

Your Blueprint to Keeping it Running

Course Completion Certificate

Unlimited access. Watch as many times as

you like

Your Peace of mind knowing your veggies are HEALTHY (Priceless)

Valued at: ($750)


Group Community (Priceless)

Simple Tools Course (Value $97)

Water Quality & Disease Basics Course (Value $197)

(Total Value $1,044)

Total Value = $1,044

Regular Price = $1,044

Today’s Price = $197

All prices in USD

There will not be another opportunity to join this program again until March 2022 and it will be DOUBLE the price

Simple Courtyard Aquaponics Course

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this course for?

It's for anyone who wants to take control of their life and grow healthy food. It is perfect for those in small spaces, as well as those who want to start small and 'kick the tyres'. Everything you need to know, is included to ensure you have the best opportunity.

Can I do this course with no DIY experience?

This is the best question, as to be good with DIY, you have to start somewhere. This course (and bonuses) have been designed for people with NO DIY experience, walking you through everything step by step

Can I learn how to start a herb garden with this course?

Starting a herb garden is the best way to start growing your own food. You start small, simple and get a feel for it.

This course is perfect to show you how to start a herb garden.

By learning how to garden with aquaponics, you can take it with you if you move, build it on cement or pavers and not damage them.

With step-by-step instructions, you leave feeling confident and ready to get started.

Once this system is built, start looking at your seasonal herbs to grow like basil or coriander to get a feel for it. Soon, you'll be growing so much more.

Where is this course held?

This is a fully online aquaponics course, meaning you can enrol when it suits you, and watch the videos when it is convenient to you.

No needing to fit it around work, or to travel to get here.

You learn from the comfort of your own home, and can watch this online aquaponics course as many times as you like.

Can You Build the Aquaponics System for me and ship it?

This is a common question, and the answer is no I cannot build it and ship it out. I teach you how to source recycled materials, to save landfill, and be sustainable.

I cannot ship out 200L drums to people without the shipping cost being more than it costs to build it yourself.

This course was designed for those who are not confident with tools, to use small power tools. Any handyman can build this for you in an hour or so.

The rest of the course teaches you how to look after it, what fish, plants and care you need to do.

How long does it take to build?

That's the best part about this design, it is small and easy to build in an afternoon. No need to wait weeks trying to build this. Simple, easy and Low Maintenance.

How much room does the Courtyard System take up?

This will depend a little bit on what you do for the stand, however if you follow my deign, it is 1.5m wide, 0.6m deep and the system itself is 1m high ~ plus the height of the veggies.

This is perfect for small spaces. I have mine right outside my backdoor and it is the perfect way to start a herb garden easily.

How much does the parts cost to setup?

When we start anything new, there is always a set-up cost involved.

Within this course, I encourage you to source your parts second hand, and recycle where possible. This will reduce the cost of the aquaponics system.

With second hand parts and time, I have been able to build this aquaponics system for under $100AUD.

Ultimately the question needs to be, is it worth it ~ paying for the course and the parts to build it.

How much do you spend on your herbs? Greens? Your food bill each week? What does your health mean to you, to grow healthy food?

Unlike container gardening where you have to keep buying fertiliser, compost, and soil ~ the only only cost is the water pump, and I show you how to work that out. I run mine for $20AUD per year.

For this, I have healthy herbs year round in this system as well as the occasional broccoli, corn, tomato, zucchini, and capsicums.

Does this the Simple Courtyard Aquaponics System cost a lot to run?

That's the best part. The water pump in my Courtyard Aquaponics System costs $10 per year to run. When you go to bigger systems, the costs get more expensive, but this small system is very economical.

Is this course for me?

That depends really. Are you the type of person who completes the training and is goes out and gets what you need AND builds it? Then yes, this course is for you. If the answer is no, then you will be disappointed. Only you can get the results you are looking for, you have to take the next steps.

Can't I just find this all out on YouTube?

A common mis-conception is that YouTube gives you all the answers. It doesn't, and you never know who you are getting the information from. Will it last, and is it right.

I have formal training in aquaculture as well as work in commercial aquaculture and aquaponics, plus 15 years backyard aquaponics experience.

I don't know everything, but I do know a lot.

Building an aquaponics system is fairly easy and yes, you can pick that up on YouTube with enough research.

BUT, understanding how it runs, how to interpret the water quality results, prevent fish stress and disease, understanding the balance of the system, and learning from someone who understands that every climate is different, every system is different, and how people look after things are different.

This is the knowledge you are paying for. How to get it right, the first time.

Is aquaponics for me?

Aquaponics can be for anyone who wants to do it. Often the issue is 'how do I learn this', and if you are willing to learn, aquaponics is a great way to garden, or to ADD to your current garden. It is the best solution for those in small spaces, with terrible soil, or water restrictions ~ and it is something everyone can learn.

Can I do this if I have never kept fish?

Absolutely. Everything in life is a learned skill, including looking after fish. There are many lessons within this course that help you to understand fish care basics so you get a good foundation.

Is Aquaponics Smelly?

One of the most common questions! Aquaponics doesn't smell 'fishy', that is a saltwater smell. Aquaponics is freshwater. A healthy aquaponics system, smells healthy. Ideally what you will be smelling is the herbs and veggies that you have growing.

Is training for the 'Fish Window' included in the course?

This is a more advanced training using a heat gun, and it is not included in the Simple Courtyard Aquaponics Course. The training is available as a 'One Time Offer' in the next step.